I do not consider people who engage in the illegal activities of infringing on copyrights
or other intellectual property rights to be Nike Hercules Nuclear Veterans
The art work designs below may not be copied in any shape, form, nor fashion
I pursue violations of this and over the years have had to shut down unauthorized sellers and unauthorized displays infringing on my art work
In 1999 I coined the term Nike Hercules Nuclear Veteran, created my first patch art work, and began selling patches. My art work is protected by Registered Copyright, date of 1st publication December 15, 1999. In 2002 I created my second patch design. Shown above are the only authorized copies of my patch art work on the internet. These are my only two patch designs. Legitimate items purchased from me or my agent Scot Bryan (deceased 2009) as enumerated below are the only items with my art work I authorize to be displayed publicly.
Any other design which contains elements of my art work is a derivative which infringes my copyright. Nuclear Veteran and Thermonuclear Veteran are my trademarks, established in 2015. To my knowledge I coined the terms Nuclear Veteran and Thermonuclear Veteran in 1999. I quit selling patches in 2002, with the exception of two sales in 2006. All patches with my art work sold by me or for me by my agent Scot Bryan (deceased 2009) had my copyright notice attached when sold. Total patch sales were less than 60 patches. I sold Nike Hercules Nuclear Veteran t-shirts from 2016 through 2021. All t-shirts sold had my copyright notice attached when sold. I have never sold any coins with my art work on them. It appears hundreds of patches, coins, and possibly other items have been sold in unauthorized sales which infringed my copyright since 2006 resulting in damages to me. Items sold include counterfeits almost identical to my patches shown on this page and other items (derivatives) infringing my copyright with similar designs with elements of my art work and may contain the words “Nike Hercules Nuclear Veteran” or “Nuclear Veteran.” I gifted a few of my patches and t-shirts to friends over the years. All gifts had copyright notices attached when gifted. How to spot a counterfeit or derivative which infringes my copyright: : 1. If my copyright notice below was not on a patch when purchased it is a counterfeit:Sam McClung
© 1999 [© 2002 for patches with the black background] All Rights Reserved 2. If a patch with my art work was purchased after 2002, with the two exceptions in 2006 noted above, it is a counterfeit. This excludes a few gifts to friends over the years. 3. If a suspect item was not bought from me directly, or my agent Scot Bryan (deceased 2009), through the US Mail, it is a counterfeit. 4. If a suspect item was bought online on the internet it is a counterfeit.
I do not consider people who engage in the illegal activities of infringing on copyrights
or other intellectual property rights to be Nike Hercules Nuclear Veterans
Counterfeits And Samples Of Infringing Derivative
found on the internet
Counterefits are identical to my art work at the top left of this page
Some Infringing Derivatives